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  • Louis Venters

Upcoming: Program on the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Tomorrow, October 14, 2014 Francis Marion Univeristy's McNair Center for Research and Service will host a program commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, arguably one of the most far-reaching laws ever passed in the United States.

I'm privileged to be moderating a panel of scholars who will discuss the Act's origins, scope, and effects. The panel will be followed by a keynote address by Mark Updegrove, director of the Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas.

If you're in the area, please come for what promises to be an excellent program marking one of the critical moments in the country's civil rights revolution.

Full details:

October 14, 2014, Francis Marion University, Florence, SC

5:00, Chapman Auditorium

Panel Discussion on the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Moderator: Dr. Louis Venters, Assistant Professor of History, FMU


  • Teresa Cosby, J.D., Associate Professor of Political Science, Furman University

  • Jonathan Edwards, J.D., General Counsel, Francis Marion University

  • Don Fowler, Ph.D., former chair, SC Democratic Party & Democratic National Committee

6:30, Chapman Auditorium Atrium

Intermission and Refreshments

7:00, Chapman Auditorium

"Leadership and the Great Society"

Conversation with Mark Updegrove, Director of the LBJ Presidential Library

Moderator: Dr. Alissa Warters, Director of the McNair Center & Associate Professor of Political Science, FMU

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