UPCOMING: Penn Center Civil Rights Symposium, Nov. 21-22, 2014
I can't even say how happy I am to have been invited to participate in the Penn Center Civil Rights Symposuim this weekend!
Penn Center, the former school for freedpeople on St. Helena Island and today the cultural and intellectual center of the Gullah-Geechee people, has an important place in the southern civil rights movement and a special connection to the growth and development of the Baha'i Faith in this region. My panel discussion is about faith-based organizations and the movement.
To be on the program with the likes of civil rights scholar-activists Millicent Brown, Dave Dennis, Bob Moses, Cleveland Sellers, and others is sort of blowing my mind. Y'all, I show documentaries about these people to my classes every semester. I'm not sure who they think I am to be in such company, but I promise I'm not going to say anything until afterwards!
Here is an excellent write-up of the event from Beaufort's local paper, featuring Dave Dennis.
It is free and open to the public, so please, if you're in the neighborhood, come get your civil rights history on!