UPCOMING: Interfaith Partners of SC Annual Conference

This Sunday, November 13, Interfaith Partners of South Carolina, a statewide non-profit that aims to promote “understanding and cooperation” among religious communities, will hold its annual conference in Florence, hosted by the local branch of the organization. I have worked with this organization before, and written about them here and here.
I have been asked to give the keynote address on the conference theme, “The Gift of Diversity.” The meeting will take place in the Stukes Room of the Florence County Library on S. Dargan St. from 3 to 5. There is no charge for participation. There will also be small discussion groups during part of the program.
I don’t have a flyer, but here’s a link to the organization’s website with more information.
To be clear, I won’t be giving a political speech by any means, but I do believe it will be timely. People of any religion or no religion are all most welcome!