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My New Book Is Almost Done!

Louis Venters

This morning I received a draft copy of the cover of my new book, a brief introduction to the first century of the Baha'i Faith in South Carolina, from my editor at the History Press, and I'm SOOOO happy!

In its first two chapters this book will cover much of the same ground as my previous work, No Jim Crow Church: The Origins of South Carolina's Baha'i Community, which was published in 2015 by the University Press of Florida. The rest of it, though, represents entirely new research, taking the story from the 1960s through the early 21st century. This will be the first substantial treatment anywhere of the dramatic growth and development of the Baha'i community in South Carolina from 1970 on, what a prominent Quaker scholar recently termed the "Carolinian Pentecost." And in contrast to my first book--which, like most books from academic presses, only had room for 12 photos--this slim volume will feature more than 70 historic images! I promise, the result is going to be beautiful and truly moving!

The new book, tentatively titled A History of the Baha'i Faith in South Carolina, should be in print this fall. If you or your community or institution are interested in planning an author event, it's not too early to get started! Please get in touch with me via this site's contact page.

I can't give too much away, but here's a little taste of what's to come. The Baha'i Faith in the United States and, dare I say it, the country at large have NEVER seen a book quite like this!

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